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Showing posts from June, 2020

What C-Suite Executives Do

C-suite positions in corporations are those that are reserved for the top executives. These executives have years of experience and strong decision-making skills. But do you know what each  C-suite executive  does? Let’s break it down by individual title. CEO or Chief Executive Officer Starting at the top, the CEO ranks highest in the C-suite executive chain of command. This individual is the one responsible for overseeing the entire organization. Specific duties may vary within different industries. Essentially, the CEO is tasked with making sure the organization succeeds on all levels each day. He or she is also the main person who reports to the board of directors. COO or Chief Operating Officer   The COO oversees the day-to-day business operations of a company. In most businesses, this position is second in command, reporting directly to the CEO. The COO helps ensure the CEO’s goals are achieved through productive and effective work means and methods. CFO or Ch

Emergency Preparedness Tips for Businesses

No matter how well your business is performing, an unexpected disaster has the potential to change everything. Natural disasters, cyber attacks, break ins, and more can set your business back. Are you and your employees prepared for the worst? No one wants to stress about future problems, however, it’s important to be prepared. The following are a few ways you can ensure that your business will be ready to overcome future challenges. Create Extra Backup Copies One of the most important things you can do is  create extra copies  of most important documents and data. If something happens and you lose important files of client information or company infrastructure, starting from scratch will force you to lose valuable time and money.  Once you create backup copies, choose a secondary location to store them. This way, if something happens to the location with the originals, you’ll still have access to extra copies. Make sure the location is secure. Don’t produce too many extra